Sunday, May 18, 2014

California Chrome, Nasal Strips & New York Racing Commission

May 18, 2014

Dear Readers,

            Alrighty then. Everybody feel as good as I do today? I declare far and wide I am a Chromey. I’m going out and buy some white tube socks, brown Birkenstocks (since I’m not willing to glue horseshoes to my feet), a turquoise blouse and purple peddle-pushers. Decked out in my regalia I shall attend the first Belmont Party I’m invited to and sing the Chromey anthem. Is there one? Well I hope someone is penning one as I write this. All hail dumbasses everywhere, we have our heroes.

            But wait, the Grinch is about to steal our victory away. Nasal strips verboten? Seriously? Are you kidding me? Really? It’s a piece of adhesive paper that goes on the outside of the horse, not up his nose or any other orifices. Tell me ain’t so.

            Dumbass Chromey’s everywhere unite, write your elected officials, and petition the New York Racing commission and Tweet, Tweet, Tweet. If our pleas fall on deaf ears and California Chrome skips the Belmont because of a ruling against nasal strips, a ruling made by the New York Racing Stewards. Raise your voices and shout out, “Hell No We Won’t Go,” and boycott the Belmont.

            It would be kind of cool if the other horsemen got together and didn’t enter their horses in the Belmont Stakes, and showed some solidarity over a ridiculous ruling. But alas, knowing what I know about horseracing, I doubt that will happen. But then again it might.

            Until the ruling is in, let’s keep our fingers crossed. To have a Triple Crown snatched from our grasp, and by the lone racing commission to ban the use of a piece of paper as equipment, is unthinkable.

Take care,

Shelley Riley, Author of Casual Lies – A Triple Crown Adventure.


1 comment:

Mary Karr said...

Ridiculous! Certainly if no other racing commisions ban them then this should be forgotten. Besides where was everyone before the race when the strips were clearly visible? It's almost like they just want to rain on everyone's parade. Please pass on to the racing commission (since I'm not sure how to do it). Mary Karr (horse race fan and former Californian)