Monday, November 18, 2013

Sue Grafton, Rick Pitino and Me

November 18, 2013

Dear Readers,

            I know it’s been awhile since I’ve posted, but as you know I was in Kentucky for the 32nd Annual Kentucky Book Fair in Frankfort, Kentucky. I was there for nearly a week and I must say even with the snow that greeted me on the first day, Lexington and surrounding areas can still make my heart sing.

            Pam Blatz-Murff and I attended the sales at Keeneland, and truly it was a walk down memory lane. I do so love the horses, the people, the smells and excitement of a bloodstock sale. With weanlings, broodmares, stallion prospects and horses of racing age on offer, there really was something for everyone.

            Together Pam and I visited Ashford Stud and Castleton Lyons, along with the Kentucky Horse Park, and I even looked at some real estate in the area. You never know, moving to Kentucky may be in my future.    

            As for the book fair, it was a remarkable experience. I met so many lovely people, including Sue Grafton and Rick Pitino. I found myself seated with the authors of thrillers, rather than those who had written horse related books or memoirs. In discussion with my tablemates, we decided the title made my memoir appear to be a Dick Francis type book. Casual Lies? Picture of a race horse on the cover. Yep I get it. I was just thrilled the memoir had been selected by the selection committee to be included in the fair.

            No matter where I sat, there were hundreds of people stopping by and I sold almost all the books I had on offer. Several people made the trip to see and speak to me specifically, which was a good feeling. Two in particular, wanted to share with me how they'd  bet on Casual Lies in the Kentucky Derby, and had won large exactas, and tri-fecta’s. They were still thrilled all these years later, as was I.
            I’m also excited to announce Casual Lies – A Triple Crown Adventure will now be available in the gift shop at the Kentucky Horse Park. I’ve been to the Horse Park and it’s an amazing facility and the gift shop is filled to bursting with quality horse related items. I’m thrilled the memoir about my remarkable horse will be among them. A few signed copies should be available there within the next few days, just in time for Christmas and Holiday buying. You can get all the information you need at their website I urge you to check out the website it is interesting and a great resource for anyone who loves all aspects of the horse industry.

            You can also get personalized signed copies by contacting me through my website, and I will include my new bookmark with each copy sold.

Take care,
Shelley Riley

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