Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Shaquille O'Neal effects the Preakness post position draw.

June 26th, 2012 Casual Lies the Memoir update

Dear Reader,

I certainly hope this update finds you all in good health and still enjoying my update entries. Chapter thirteen came back from Tracy today and here is a short excerpt that will be thought provoking.

[Who would have thought Shaquille O’Neal, one of the three most sought after choices for the National Basketball Association’s 1992 draft, could affect the outcome of that year’s draw for the Preakness Stakes? Certainly not me—I had never even heard of him. My mom, on the other hand, was a North Carolina native who watched college basketball with an unholy glee. Her favorite was North Carolina State University, with Duke University a close second in her affections.
As we trooped over to Pimlico’s Sports Palace the morning of the Preakness draw, we were discussing the condition of the track and how we hoped the sun would either emerge, drying out the surface, or that it would just go ahead and pour down rain. A muddy track would be a blessing compared to the hard yet slippery condition it was in now.]
I am still working on the last chapter and I am having more fun with all the wondrous memories of New York. I have a publishing workshop this weekend so I am getting ready for that at the same time I work on this last chapter. To say I can be easily distracted would be admitting to a character flaw and I hesitate to admit to something that is already so obvious.
Suffice it to say; I am anxious to get done so I can move on to the next step. That step will include sifting through hundreds of photographs. I want to include pictures, where appropriate, throughout a hard copy of the book.
As always, thank-you so much for your interest and please feel free to email me with any queries you may have.
Take care,
Shelley Riley

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