Friday, April 5, 2013

April 5, 2013
What a great field for tomorrows Santa Anita Derby, so exciting for those who own and train these terrific horses. I recall the build up to this important race and how it gains momentum with each day that passes, including the actual race day when it arrives.
On Santa Anita Derby Day in 1992, and as I waited to saddle Casual Lies, I clearly recall a particularly strident voice calling my name over the sound of all the others. This voice seemed to be originating from high above my head. I looked around and followed the sound to its source, which was over my shoulder and definitely up, way up!
Much to my astonishment, my eyes landed on a very athletic if foolish racing fan, who had managed to shimmy up the light standard, and was now perched precariously atop its shade. Waving enthusiastically in my direction with one arm, he was barely able to maintain his balance on the slippery surface with the other hand.
Needless to say Southern California racing fans gave us a very warm welcome and the party atmosphere Santa Anita provided for the occasion was equally as impressive.
Good Luck to everybody tomorrow, for my part I just can’t pick a favorite.
Take care,
Shelley Riley   

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